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Remote Learning

Remote Education Plan 

Outlined on this page is how, as a school, we will provide remote education where local or national restrictions require students to remain at home. 


If students are being educated remotely, their education provision is likely to be different from our standard approach for the first few days.  This is whilst we take all the necessary steps to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching. 


Outlined below is what parents/carers and students can expect: 

  • Teachers will move to a full timetable of online lessons within 24 working hours of the announcement of a full lockdown. 

  • Other than practical PE lessons, the full curriculum will be taught remotely. 

  • A student’s timetable will be identical to that which they would follow in school. 

  • Homework will be set in line with our whole school policy (available on the website) however, the tasks may vary to reduce a student’s screen time.  We will continue to set this on Class Charts. 

  • All lessons will be taught using Microsoft Teams.  If a pupil needs support with this, they can email for assistance. 

  • Students will automatically be added to their lessons by their teachers, and these will be calendared in advance.  They are to arrive on time for a register to be taken.  If a student is not attending regularly, then this will be followed up with a phone call home. 

  • For students who may not have the required online access from home we will: 

  • Loan devices where possible.  These will need to be signed for and collected from Main Reception. 

  • Printed lesson guidance and resources will be delivered to those students who do not have online access. 

  • Students must complete their written work in their provided exercise book (provided by school) and handed in upon their return. 

  • A full timetable of one-hour live lessons will be taught however, there will be opportunities for students to work independently within the lessons.  Teachers will be asked to provide opportunities for students to work away from their computer screen. 

  • Feedback will be provided in a timely manner and is likely to take many to include whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via a digital platforms.  Students may not receive individual lengthy personalised written feedback on their work.  Teachers may use a variety of methods to feedback on work to include: 

  • Verbal feedback in the lesson. 

  • Marking of work (submitted via email or Class Charts. 

  • Class quizzes. 

  • Live marking during a lesson. 

  • The following is expected of all students: 

  • They will attend all their lessons on time, as they would in school. 

  • They are encouraged to engage in lessons (verbally and via ‘chat’) and to submit work for the given deadline.  It is the responsibility of the student, supported by the parent/carer, to do this. 


We understand that some our students, to include those with SEND, may not be able to access remote education without the support from adults at home.  We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents/carers to support as follows: 

  • Differentiating the work teachers are setting to support the learning needs of all students. 

  • Welcoming and encouraging our students with an EHCP to be in school. 


Please contact our SEND department ( should you require any additional support to enable your child to access remote education.